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All Saints' Day

All Saints’ Day 2025, 2026 and 2027

Every 1 November is All Saints’ Day in Belgium. This holiday is also called “All Hallow Day”, which is why 31 October is called “All Hallow’s Eve”, or Halloween.

20251 NovSatAll Saints' Day
20261 NovSunAll Saints' Day
20271 NovMonAll Saints' Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

All Saints’ Day has been observed since at least the Fourth Century A.D. in the Eastern Orthodox Church, with that institution traditionally marking it on the first Sunday following Pentecost. The 1 November date arose from a decision of the Roman Catholic Pope Gregory IV, who gave the holiday its present date and name in A.D. 835.

All Saints’ Day is meant to honour all the official church saints, but especially those without a special holiday all their own. However, many keep it as a remembrance of all Christians who have departed this world. In Belgium, people traditionally lay down flowers on the graves of their deceased relatives on this day.

Previous Years

20241 NovFriAll Saints' Day
20231 NovWedAll Saints' Day